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I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ




I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
Animal Jeopardy

Animal Jeopardy

Animal Jeopardy is a great way for your class to review your concepts and ideas about animals. The categories covered in this game are mammals, reptiles, amphibians,birds, fish, adaptations, food chains, and animal vocabulary. I typically put the class into small groups or individuals and ask a member of the group to choose a color and dollar amount. That is the question that they have to answer. When I get the class to do it individually I get them to put the answers down on a piece of paper and mark them at the end of the game. NEW! I have now introduced a visual point scoring system to keep track of how much money the teams have earned. Simply click on the allocated game board and with each click the amount increases by $100 I run it on an interactive whiteboard but would be equally successful on a projector, computer or TV screen. Alternatively it could be run for an individual student on their own device.
Matter Science Word Wall Poster and Anchor Charts

Matter Science Word Wall Poster and Anchor Charts

This resource pack contains 28 science matter vocabulary posters. Each poster has an explanation of the term and a picture or diagram to illustrate the word to the student. Each poster is written in a student friendly voice for easy understanding. These posters make excellent anchor charts and look fantastic on your wall. Words included are: Matter, Properties, Atom, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Compound, Elements, Mixtures, Evaporation, Condensation, Vapor, Sublimation, Melt, Boil, Solidification, Solute, Solvent, Solution, Fixed, Surface Tension, Viscosity, Atomic Nucleus, Electron Cloud, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and Molecules If you would like any words added please contact me and i am happy to do so. Enjoy.
Forms of Energy and Types of Energy A3 MELTS Poster

Forms of Energy and Types of Energy A3 MELTS Poster

This high quality poster is ideal for your classroom wall, bulletin board or science display. It makes a great anchor for students (and teacher) to refer to. I have included 5 designs with different colored tittles to fit your room decor. Enjoy.
Forces and Motion Wall Poster and Science Anchor Charts

Forces and Motion Wall Poster and Science Anchor Charts

This resource pack contains 38 science forces and motion vocabulary posters. Each poster has an explanation of the term and a picture or diagram to illustrate the word to the student. Each poster is written in a student friendly voice for easy understanding. These posters make excellent anchor charts and look fantastic on your wall. Words included are: Friction, Position, Gravitational Force, Mass, Matter, Acceleration Force, Acceleration Mass, Momentum, Weight, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Balanced Forces, Unbalanced Forces, Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Inertia, Force, Work, Distance, Newtons 1st Law, Newtons 2nd Law, Newtons 3rd Law, Net Force, Newton, Push, Pull, Spring Scale, Air Resistance, Newton, Lubricants, Surface, Direction, Magnetic Force, Displacement, Electrical Force, Action and Reaction, If you would like any words added please contact me and i am happy to do so. Please remember to follow me. Enjoy.
Animal Adaptations PowerPoint Show Physical Vs Behavioral

Animal Adaptations PowerPoint Show Physical Vs Behavioral

This Animal Adaptations Presentation looks at the differences between physical and behavioral animal adaptations. It provides examples with high quality images to reinforce the children's learning and talking points. At the end of the presentation there are further images to provide the students with an opportunity to explain what they have learnt. Presentation Topics: - Behavioral Vs Physical Adaptations - Webbed Feet - Sharp Claws - Whiskers - Sharp Teeth - Large Beaks - Wings/Flying - Hooves - The Body and Camouflage - What Adaptations Can You See Please remember to follow me Enjoy
Fortnite STEM Parachute Challenge

Fortnite STEM Parachute Challenge

This STEM activity is a great group activity for your students. The challenge in this activity is to design a more efficient parachute to jump out of the Battle Bus. The students need to work together to complete the challenge and experiment given. This Fortnite activity is perfect for a back to school activity or all year around. You do not need to know what Fortnite is (your students will) to do this challenge, but this will earn you your kids respect and you will be that “cool” teacher. Included in this resource are teachers notes, student questions, the experiment, a PowerPoint on the history of flight and comprehension questions to go with the presentation. Everything you need to make a fun filled activity with your students. SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating. TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology. ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct Marble Roller Device. MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
Ernest Rutherford Reading Comprehension

Ernest Rutherford Reading Comprehension

This mini-unit on Ernest Rutherford is a great resource to be used as you teach about Rutherford’s life, achievements and sayings. Ernest Rutherford was one of New Zealand’s great scientists and is on our $100 money note.The unit includes a combination of comprehension questions and deeper level questions to challenge your students. It includes: Informational text for students to learn about his life and achievements Comprehension questions ranging from knowledge questions to higher order thinking. Famous quotes from Ernest Rutherford for your bulletin board.